Episode 5 (Part 3): The Slasher Movies of 1981, feat. Patrick Ripoll of Tracks of the Damned
THERE IS NO ESCAPE FROM THE FINAL CHAPTER...Gabe and special guest Patrick Ripoll from Tracks of the Damned are back and finishing what...
Episode 5 (Part 3): The Slasher Movies of 1981, feat. Patrick Ripoll of Tracks of the Damned
Episode 6: H.P. Lovecraft Adaptations, feat. Betsy Jorgensen of Your Favorite Monsters
Episode 5 (Part 2): The Slasher Movies of 1981, feat. Patrick Ripoll of Tracks of the Damned
Episode 5 (Part 1): The Slasher Movies of 1981, feat. Patrick Ripoll of Tracks of the Damned
Episode 4: Nuclear Panic Movies, feat. Jim Laczkowski of Voices + Visions
Episode 3: Gabe Describes European Super Criminals to His Girlfriend, Kristine
Episode 2: Witch Movies, feat. Betsy Jorgensen of the Your Favorite Monsters Podcast
Episode 1: Proto-Slashers, feat. Patrick Ripoll of Tracks of the Damned
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